Sunday, May 27, 2012


Basically, I'm one of those people who start things but never finish them. So...I'm giving up on both challenges because, even though time and effort went into creating them, and the fact that they would help me stay on track with everything that was happening, life has gotten in the way so bloody much recently that attempting to pick up those challenges seems absolutely ridiculous.
One of these days I'll do some kind of 1000 questions quiz and post it on here and that'll be some kind of challenge of whatever. ::)

Anyways. I'm off to be busy and live a life outside my computer. Ta.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Will Survive: Fail

Ah well, I tried, right? It's not like I'm particularly busy, but limited access to computer and such has just made this too hard. And yeah, I am JUST getting around to telling you. Heh. See ya later.
