Sunday, January 15, 2012

{88 Days} Day One

 On the way home from mass this afternoon, I had the idea to start a new project. Now keep in mind this idea is most definitely not of my own invention, but I'm putting my own little twist on it.
Here's the deal: My 17th birthday is in 88 days. So, everyday until that day, I'm going to post a picture and answer these question thingy dos. So. Here we go.
P.S. Your feedback is encouraged. So comment :)

Day One
An applicable song lyric:
"I realize if you ask me how I'm doing, I would say 'I'm doing just fine'. I would lie and say that you're not on my mind."

Something making me happy:
Coffee. Yum. 

Something I learned today:
This project is going to be harder than I thought.

Something I need to be more thankful for:
My mother and everything she does for me.

My 11:11 wish:
I wish I was in love

Somewhere I want to be:
In a state of peace.

Some thoughts:
My boyfriend is pretty much amazing. I need to decide which song I'm choreographing to. I should text Jacob and not be a b****. Eating pizza with a fork is lame. 

I am giving up for you. 

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