Saturday, February 4, 2012

{88 Days} Day Twenty One

An applicable song lyric:
How can I tell you that I love you, I love you? But I can't think of right words to say. I long to tell you that I'm always thinking of you, I'm always thinking of you, but my words just blow away, just blow away.

Something making me happy:
Today ended on a high note.

Something I need to be more thankful for:
My music.

My 11:11 wish:
I wish felt pretty.

Something I accomplished today:
Folding and putting away four loads of laundry. Oh yes. I'm amazing.

Somewhere I want to be:
5 hours ago.

Some thoughts:
I like talking. A lot. But I need to just shut up before it gets me in trouble again.

Million dollar question: *Please comment your responses*
Five people in your life you couldn't live without? 


  1. My dad rocks. both of them. but i like to think that i can survive on my own

  2. Five? My mom, my dad, God, you, and Aves.
