2) Somebody who made me smile today...
This question keeps requiring pretty much the same answer. I'll give you three guesses. *waits for you to guess* If you guessed Helen, Bri and Cookie then you were right!
3) Something to look forward to...
Making sushi tonight. :)
4) Near or far future plans...
Sleeping in tomorrow!!
5) Something to appreciate more...
Creative friends.6) Thoughts to share...
This blog is going to be filled with epicness, I can feel it. My wife and myself make me laugh. I succeeded in making those oatmeal cookies and they are amazing. I'm in awe of myself. Dinner will be epic, homemade sushi always is! A friend just got texting and the fact made me happeh. You know how I broke my ipod? Well, I kinda fixed it enough, now I can text people again!! But my i-pod now looks like this.Lame, right? Very much so, very much so indeed. BUT! I'm a genius because I fixed it, like I just said! :) And plus the smash in the screen looks like a smiley face and that makes me happy that it smiles in spite of the pain.
Q. What is the first thing you would grab during a fire and why?
A. Besides my siblings and parents? Um...probably my Grimms Fairy Tales book that my oldest brother and sister gave me for my 15th birthday. It's very special to me because this present was one that they thought through. They put inscriptions in the cover that always make me want to cry. This book reminded me of the magic in life and how we each need to retain a bit of this magic. My brother, Michael, is the one that encouraged me to try to always keep a little bit of this magic inside me. I hope to pass this book on to my children one day and they to theirs. A silly dream is that this book will considered a family heirloom one day.
That dream isn't silly. And by the way, I love Grimmm's Fairy Tales. I have an old beat up copy too :)