Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 7: Estos Pensamientos Mios...

1) Picture for what I'm feeling...

2) Somebody who made me smile today...
Meh. Didn't happen. A tiny smile doesn't count as an actual smile, just in case you didn't know this. Nor do fake smiles for that matter, but that's obvious.

3) Something to look forward to...
15 days in the future.

4) Near or far future plans...
Sleeping...? Does that count?

5) Something to appreciate more...
Warm showers.

6) Thoughts to share...
It sucks when you go to the pool and there is absolutely NO hot water in the showers. Today was lame. I dislike feeling grumpy and not happy. Tomorrow I shall conquer my homework! My debate partner will not respond to my messages and we have a debate in three days. We haven't prepared anything. Midterms are *really* soon. Physics homework is the definition of "awful". I hope tomorrow will be better.

7) Q&A
Q. Why do you mismatch your socks?
A. Honestly? I hardly ever intentionally mismatch them. See, in my family socks, clean socks, are a rarity and for whatever reason are never folded with the rest of the clothes. This means that if you want socks you have to go rummage through the laundry basket and find them. My socks are all the same kind, ankle socks, but I have a variety of colors, designs, patterns, etc.

As I rummage through the laundry I see a sock of mine. I take it out of the basket and it goes directly on my foot. I continue to rummage. Oh, look! Another of my socks and so, regardless of the color or pattern, it also goes directly on my foot!
Now, it's become somewhat of a joke in my family. If Beka is wearing matched socks then somethings up. My Dad thought at one point it was a political statement but it wasn't. My socks have *always* been mismatched and I don't care! They keep my feet warm and the variety of colors is kinda nice! It's boring when you look down and see two black socks, but when you look down and see a hot pink sock and a lime green sock, well, that's a different story.


  1. Dude. The picture is absolutely perfect.

  2. I wish I coulda made you smile :/ I'll try again tomorrow!

  3. Isn't it? I thought it summed up everything right about now. ;)

    Wife, you DID make me smile. Thank you, yet again. I was just too lazy to change the post after I smiled. :)
