Wednesday, March 7, 2012

{88 Days} Day Forty Eight

An applicable song lyric:
I know that the bridges I have burned along the way have left me with these walls and these scars that won't go away.

Something making me happy:
I don't know. It was just a happy day with the exception of ballet class.

Something I need to be more thankful for:
Non retarded ballet teachers.

My 11:11 wish:
I wish Bri and I's evil plan will work.

Something I accomplished today:
Cleaning the entire house in hopes of doing something this evening. Yeah, that didn't happen, but whatever.

Somewhere I want to be:
Out having a life.

Some thoughts:
The whole "not having a life" thing is getting old. I seriously need a hobby other than cleaning. I can't wait for spring break. Today was a pretty day. 

1 comment:

  1. hey it's the shirt that matches mine that I gave you! :D
