Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hair Challenge: Day4

Day 4...I think. Yeah, it's day 4.'s hair thingie was *supposed* to work. If you look at the crappy picture down there then you'll see that it doesn't and instead it makes people look like lions...or like our serial killer Lit teacher...either way, it's bad.

See, for this one we were supposed to put a head band on and then wrap our hair around it. In the morning we would take the head band off and our hair would look glorious and be softly curled and cute. I couldn't find a headband to save my life and ended up making my hair look like a fuzzy, funky, twisted crown on top of my head. When I took my hair down it had random tight curls in places and then in the rest my hair looked like Hermione Granger's would after a wind storm. Yeah. It was bad. 

And so, I tried to brush it, hoping that maybe it would calm the storm. Of course not. My hair was cloudlike, my bangs were doing funny things and one side of my head was puffier than the other...still is.

Anyways, here ya go. We decided we'd take a picture of our effort.

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