Thursday, February 2, 2012

{88 Days} Day Nineteen

An applicable song lyric:
Depression please cut to the chase and cut a long story short. Oh please be done. How much longer can this drama afford to run?

Something making me happy:
I got the scarf back. We had a movie day in ballet. Tomorrow is Friday.

Something I need to be more thankful for:
Chapstick and gum.

My 11:11 wish:
I wish they made calorie free chocolate that tasted good.

Something I accomplished today:
Uh... Um... *shuffles awkwardly* I seriously can't think of anything.

Somewhere I want to be:
A state of peace.

Some thoughts:
I'm going to be optimistic. Yes. Happy thoughts. Rainbows and butterflies and a bright future. If anyone mentions anything at all about me and the anything involving the future, I might just behead them. I think I'll just go bash my head against something and become a vegetable so I never have to grow up. Ever.

Million dollar question: *Please comment your responses*
Should chivalry towards women be rewarded?

I think I looked pretty flippin' cute today. Just saying. 


  1. Yes you did look nice today. And yes chivalry should be rewarded.

  2. Thats a good question

  3. Chivalry towards fellow humans, not just women, should be valued and expected, but the only reward should be appreciation and reciprocation.
