Thursday, February 2, 2012

Photo Challenge: Day 2

Day 2: Something I adore.

So, this is a picture of two things I adore, really. One more than the other, obviously. My brother, Stephen. I adore him. He's basically adorable. 
I also adore Five Guys, which is where this picture was taken. Woot woot!

Right after I got my braces on, like 2 months ago, he asked me if I could take him to Five Guys. But I couldn't chew very well, I told him we'd wait. When I got back from my trip, I gave him a hug and told him that I'd missed him and I loved him(he's super bashful about telling anyone that he loves them. Isn't that adorable?? Yes.) and he looked at me and said, "We should spend time together." Of course, I was thrilled. I asked him what he wanted to do, and he said, "Can you chew yet?" It was basically hilarious and as I was laughing I told him yes, and we'd go to Five Guys sometime before the end of the month(Yes, I know it's the second day of the month). 
I found out this morning that I had an appointment to get my lovely braces tightened. So as soon as I was done there, I rushed home to grab him and we ate, before my teeth start to ache.

"There's a party on the rooftop, top of the world. Tonight, tonight. And we're dancing on the edge of the hollywood sign."

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