Tuesday, January 17, 2012

{88 Days} Day Three

An applicable song lyric:
"I am not my own, for I have been made new. Please don't let me go. I desperately need You."

Something making me happy:
This day is almost done. Oh, how am I ready for this day to be done. Oh and my teeth are clean. Hehe.

Something I learned today:
I really am not a nice person and it's a wonder I have the friends that I do. I really really REALLY need to learn to trust people.

Something I need to be more thankful for:
Sabrina not hating me. Yup. She should hate me. But she doesn't. Oh and I have my own room. I really should be more grateful for that.

My 11:11 wish:
I wish I was in love.

Something I accomplished today:
I finished my Literature homework and the important stuff for Government. I didn't blow up either.

Somewhere I want to be:

Some thoughts:
I'm hungry. I only drank 6 cups of coffee today. Today was far too long and far too emotionally draining. I got home from dance an hour ago. This is not okay. I am literally trying to stay awake as I type this. I have some pretty awesome friends, especially Holly, Diego, and Sabrina today. My brain might just implode from choreography/Supreme Court cases/Physics overload. I need more sleep. More Sleep = more patience for people whom I wish to stab repeatedly with a burning dull knife. Not like I have anger issues or anything. *cough*Why is it only Tuesday?!? This is not okay. I am now rambling. *zzz*



    Unless you sleep with my husband and kill all my children...then I may be horribly disgruntled and inclined to stab you with a hot dull knife repeatedly....WHICH I WON'T. But I will be inclined to.

    I LOVE YOU <3

  2. So i was texting you in theology class and i accedentally call my messages on speaker phone.... everyone could hear *you have no new messages* except for marissa of course because she was rambleing.

  3. "i think there is somebody's phone under the table" *i look around, pull my phone out of my pocket. put it on the table*
    Michael says, hey look! its pink, do we know who's that is?
    *i shove it in my pocket* we'll just have to see then wont we, i say.
    everybody bursts into laughter except for marissa who thinks we are laughing at her.
