Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 46: Estos Pensamientos Mios

1) Picture for what I'm feeling...

2) Somebody who made me smile today...  
Rora, Allister, and Levi.

3) Something to look forward to...
Sleeping in tomorrow.

4) Near or far future plans...
Revising O Mio Babino Caro.

5) Something to appreciate more...
People who accept myself, my family and our strangeness.

6) Thoughts to share...
On occasion you'll wake up to texts that make your year. I remembered my coffee this morniiiiiiing! Levi and Rora...Good lord, those two make me laugh. I love how we can hold a conversation about naked fruit and not thinking it's strange or awkward, in the slightest. According to Rora, laughing extends your life. We decided that we'll live forever, in that case. My mother interesting person sometimes, lets just leave it at that. I look forward to May, greatly. It promises to be a great start to summer vacation. This RAHI application is almost finished!! I get to sleep in. I love socks, especially mismatched ones. Also, I love warm showers, country music, and Sharpies. It's more than likely that Allister and I might be providing entertainment for my mother and sister's graduation dinner in Anchorage. It will be epic, just sayin'...

7) Highlight/s of the Day....

"Then when the world is having a banana crisis, BOOM - A bunch of sexy smooth people come out of nowhere and save everyone."

"*dramatic voice* The world shall be made anew and people will be liken to the celestial bananas...eventually."

"And then the world will die because it can no longer re-populate itself. Unless people start growing on trees..."

"People should start learning how to grow babies on trees...I'm sure it could work. Somehow."

"And we thought our family was messed up NOW. just wait until tree-grown babies come around"

"I can see it now...People are gonna be all "Hey, did you see how big my baby has grown?
"Yeah, man, that's a nice baby." "I know right? I make sure to feed and water it everyday so it can grow big and strong.""

"Haha one of those kids will grow up and be like I have 6 parents!"

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