Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 50: Estos Pensamientos Mios

1) Picture for what I'm feeling...

2) Somebody who made me smile today...  
Allister, Rora, Bri, Elle.

3) Something to look forward to...

4) Near or far future plans...

5) Something to appreciate more...
People who can make me laugh, without fail, right when I need it most.

6) Thoughts to share...
The day started off awesome. Keyword: started. Besides the walking a mile in the wind and blowing snow, I got texts that made me extremely happy. Elle made me laugh during Physics class. I finalized all the RAHI stuff (community recommendation forms and the such). I had caffeine, even if it was gross. I finished an epic present for somebody and I got more sticky notes. THEN I had to think about Debate. Yeah, around then is when I was considering breaking my own arm just to get out of Debate. After I was left with a crap load of work to do, I was grumpy. All. Day. Long. I mean, can you blame me? From around 4pm to right now, I've had to deal with a major idiot (forgive me, but the person deserves it), experiment with dinner while we have NOTHING in the fridge or pantry, I had to write four 8 minute long speeches, I watched two little girls who didn't do anything but fight, I hurt my hand, spilled the only good cup of coffee I've ever made and by then, a lot of people were very unhappy. I'm tired. I want to go heat my blanket up in the dryer again. Thank God for Allister. He makes me laugh. Sorry if you bothered to read all that whining. Goodnight.

7) Highlight of the day...

"When you took a sip of your coffee it looked like you were stuffing a cupcake in your mouth."
"*busts up*"
"...I kind of want a cupcake now..."

"How's my favorite ex doing?"

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